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Ceramics MA - Week 4

Amazing to think that 4 weeks have passed by - its really challenging not to be focused in making "things" - its all about what makes us tick! What inspires us, how clay works for us and how we work through projects - what is our individual approach?

Playing with Clay

So , how do I approach a project? We've looked at four different approaches. RHIZOME - an approach with no beginning or end, always in the middle, between things, interbeing. A flow, and movement. ITERATION - a process of reaching a conclusion through a repeated round of tests and analysis. OBJECT ORIENTED ONTOLOGY (OOO for short) - an approach which puts "things" in the centre of exploration (based on the entanglement of our understanding of things and the meaning given to them) - and "things" can be anything from narrative, site, context, etc. Finally, ENCHANTMENT, development through surprise, serendipity, something unexpected.

So, at the moment, how do I think I work? My work is all driven by narrative so OOO is my starting approach. But in developing the work I believe that I take a RHIZOME approach with ITERATION to finalise specific aspects. But having said all that, I definitely hope for a surprise and delight when I am playing in the creation of an idea, so a bit of ENCHANTMENT is always welcome!

Watch this space - I will be refining my understanding of how I work over the next couple of weeks - thats what this module is all about!

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